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Micro Needling

Minimally Invasive Skin Rejuvenation


Medical fractional micro delivery provides unparalleled via fractional delivery of needles micro injuries into the epidermis and dermis. These micro injuries to the skin encourage and harness the power of the body’s innate ability to re-grow and repair the skin through the normal physiology of skin.


Collagen is the major structural component of the dermis, and the tissue most responsible for youthful looking skin. Throughout our lives, collagen becomes continuously damaged from a variety of factors such as oxidative stress internally and sun exposure resulting in enlarged pores, as well as thinning, wrinkled and sagging skin.

Medical Grade Skin Needling Procedures are designed to intensively target skin disorders for correction or as long term skin maintenance for optimum skin health and function.

Skin Revision requires dedication from the patient and executed by our Registered Aesthetic Nurse and Dermal Clinician, who has preformed thousands of Skin Needling Procedures.

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